'I've killed my baba,' Pistorius sobbed to friend moments after girlfriend shot

Oscar Pistorius sobbed to his best friend: “My baba, I’ve killed my baba — God take me away” moments after his girlfriend was shot, it emerged last night.

The panicking 26-year-old Blade Runner called pal Justin Divaris before alerting emergency services to the early hours shooting of model Reeva Steenkamp, it was claimed.

Justin told how he sped to Pistorius’s luxury home and said the star sobbed for an hour in his garage as cops sealed off the property.

It was revealed last night that Reeva, 29, was sitting on the toilet when she was hit four times, in the arm, head, hip and finger by bullets fired through the bathroom door.

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Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp in January 2012

Pistorius carried her blood-soaked body to the front door and was trying to save her with the kiss of life when a security guard and neighbor arrived — alerted by the gunshots.

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'I've killed my baba,' Pistorius sobbed to friend moments after girlfriend shot