IRS dealt a setback on tax preparer regulations

To help combat fraud by tax preparers, the Internal Revenue Service created the “Registered Tax Return Preparer” program. Then just before the tax season got under way, the agency was told by a federal judge that it doesn’t have the authority to regulate the hundreds of thousands of tax preparers covered under the program.

Although some tax-return preparers are licensed by their states or enrolled to practice before the IRS, many don’t have to pass a government or professionally mandated competency test to prepare a federal return. When the IRS issued its last “dirty dozen” tax scams, return preparer fraud was third on the list.

“Tax return preparers sometimes alter return information without their clients’ knowledge or consent in an attempt to obtain improperly inflated refunds or to divert refunds for their personal benefit,” wrote Nina E. Olson, the national taxpayer advocate, in her most recent report to Congress. “Often, the refunds are directed to an account in the preparer’s control.”

In other instances, preparers lure clients by promising large refunds even before reviewing their tax information.

The IRS program would have required any individual who is compensated for preparing or assisting in the preparation of a return to obtain a preparer tax identification number, pass a qualifying exam and complete annual continuing-education requirements.

Three independent tax preparers joined the Institute for Justice in challenging the IRS’ authority to create the program. Recently, Judge James E. Boasberg of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled against the agency.

Said Dan Alban, the lead attorney on the case: “The licensing requirements harmed the ability of mom and pop operations to compete with big tax preparation firms. Two of the three plaintiffs would have been put out of business because of the cost of complying with the regulations.”

The ruling now means tax return preparers who would have been covered by the program are not required to complete competency testing or secure continuing education, the IRS said. However, all paid preparers are still required to have a preparer tax identification number.

There are tax professionals — attorneys, certified public accountants and enrolled agents — who were exempt from the program but are licensed by state or federal authorities and are subject to censure, suspension or disbarment from practice before the IRS in the event of wrongdoing. The ruling does not affect the regulatory requirements for these professionals.

Still hoping to continue with the regulatory program, the IRS asked the court to delay the ruling pending its appeal. The motion was denied.

“The IRS continues to have confidence in the scope of its authority to administer this program and is working with the Department of Justice to address all options, including a planned appeal,” the agency said in a statement.

In response to the lawsuit, the IRS said it has established 250 testing centers, that the program has cost more than $50 million to roll out, and nearly 100,000 preparers have registered to take the competency test.

When the IRS first announced the program, I was in favor of licensing preparers. Though many tax professionals do their jobs well, there are enough unscrupulous preparers to warrant some changes. Olson, the national taxpayer advocate, has recommended that Congress enact a federal registration, examination, certification and enforcement program for unenrolled tax-return preparers. “Creating a class of certified return preparers is a very positive step toward combating fraud,” she said in her report.

But perhaps Judge Boasberg has it right. He said his ruling doesn’t require the IRS to dismantle the registration scheme.

The IRS “may choose to retain the testing centers and some staff, as it is possible that some preparers may wish to take the exam or continuing education even if not required to,” Boasberg said in his decision. “Such voluntarily obtained credentials might distinguish them from other preparers.”

And some preparers might still take the exam in case his ruling is reversed on appeal, “just as the IRS may similarly decide it is financially more prudent not to shutter the centers in hopes of an appellate victory or congressional action,” Boasberg wrote.

“We have no opposition to preparers going through the program voluntarily,” Alban said. “If you are in the market looking for a new tax preparer, there could be value in selecting one with the registered tax return preparer certification. Keeping it voluntary allows consumers to decide what’s important rather than the IRS.”

I see great service to consumers in the IRS preparer program. So until things are settled, Boasberg offers a good compromise.

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Squatter Lokiboy evicted from Boca Raton mansion

Infamous squatter Andre Barbosa has been evicted from a Boca Raton mansion, police said.

Bank of America retook possession of a $2.5 million home where the 23-year-old Brazilian national had been staying since December.

Bank representatives, with the assistance of police, cleared out the foreclosed home at 580 Gold Harbor Dr. at about 1:30 p.m. Thursday.

There was no one inside and the home’s locks were changed, said Officer Sandra Boonenberg, spokeswoman for Boca police.

Barbosa, also known as Lokiboy954, had been occupying the home since filing an “adverse possession” claim in December.

Adverse possession was created hundreds of years ago when hand-scrawled property records could more easily be lost, damaged or muddled. Allowing for adverse possession kept land in productive use when ownership was unclear, or, for example, the owner died with no heirs.

If the person claiming adverse possession stays in the home for seven years, paying taxes and caring for the property, they can take permanent ownership.

Barbosa is not facing any charges at this point and police are not actively searching for him, Boonenberg said.

Bank of America issued a statement regarding Thursday’s action.

“We appreciate the assistance of local authorities and the patience of neighbors as we worked to have the trespassers removed.

“We take trespassing seriously and, in the interest of the community, we will take appropriate legal action to protect this and all properties we service.”

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Exclusive: Joe Flacco Gets Fitted for Tommy Hilfiger's New York Fashion Show

Joe Flacco has had quite the week. The Baltimore Ravens quarterback won the Super Bowl and was named MVP on Sunday, visited Disney World the day after, and has been making appearances non-stop since then.

Next on Flacco's agenda is attending Tommy Hilfiger's New York Fashion Show and ET has an exclusive look at his fitting session with the fashion designer to select what he'll wear to the show.

PICS: Two Looks, One Star!

The Super Bowl champion brought his wife Dana with him as he selected his clothes from the Tommy Hilfiger collection with a little guidance from none other than Tommy Hilfiger himself.

"I'm honored," Hilfiger said of having Flacco dressed in his apparel to his fashion show. "Actually, my guys told me he was coming today [and] I thought they were kidding. So, I'm very happy and very honored."

VIDEO: Behind the Scenes of Super Bowl XLVII

Despite his recent achievement on the football field, Flacco cherished the opportunity to meet Hilfiger and don his garb at Friday night's fashion show.

"The thing is for me is it hasn't sunk in winning the Super Bowl yet. So, to come up here and to go through all this stuff is pretty cool. [It's a] pretty rare opportunity," the 28-year-old quarterback said.

VIDEO: Fashion Week Kicks Off with amfAR Gala

Amid all the exciting happenings in Flacco's life after winning Super Bowl XLVII is a future new addition to his family, as he and his wife announced after the Super Bowl that they are expecting their second child.

"It's awesome. It's the best feeling in the world," he said of having a baby on the way. "We just won the Super Bowl and we had our [first] son in June, and as exciting as the other day was, it didn't compare to what that was."

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2 housing officers bust shooter, 13, for attempted murder of 14-year-old in East Harlem: cops

Officers recovered this weapon after a 13-year-old attempted to shoot a rival teen.Officers Samantha Smith and Keith Roman


Officers recovered this weapon after a 13-year-old attempted to shoot a rival teen.

Cops busted a 13-year-old for attempted murder yesterday after officers spotted him shooting at another teen in an East Harlem Housing project.

The two kids, from rival housing project crews, were in a dispute at the Jefferson Houses on Second Avenue near East 115th Street at 3:10 p.m. when the boy fired an Interarms Star 9mm handgun at his 14-year-old foe, police said.

Officers Samantha Smith and Keith Roman, from the PSA 5 housing precinct, were patrolling the complex and witnessed the mayhem.

They ordered the child to drop the weapon, which he did, and they quickly placed the boy under arrest, cops said.

The victim was not injured, police said.

The suspect, whose name is being withheld because of his age, was slapped with a slew of charges including attempted murder, attempted gang assault, criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment, police said.

Officers recovered this weapon after a 13-year-old attempted to shoot a rival teen.Officers Samantha Smith and Keith Roman


Officers Samantha Smith and Keith Roman

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New restaurants aim to help turn Miami Health District into a destination

Gorgonzola pizza with white truffle oil, Chilean sea bass, imported Italian prosciutto and craft beers are run-of-the-mill fare in Miami’s trendier neighborhoods from Miami Beach to the Miami Design District. But such a trendy menu isn’t what you would expect on the edge of Overtown in the area broadly known as Miami’s Health District.

The opening last fall of two high-profile restaurants, Balans and Thea Pizzeria and Cafe, at the University of Miami’s Life Science & Technology Park is fueling optimism that the neighborhood sandwiched between the Jackson Memorial Hospital campus and Overtown is on an upswing. Long dominated by rundown industrial and commercial buildings, the area is now slated for additional retail and residential development.

The two restaurants, at 1951 NW Seventh Ave., are owned by local industry veterans with a history as pioneers in Miami’s urban neighborhoods. They say the same early indicators that brought them to Wynwood and Miami’s Upper East Side are drawing them to the Health District.

“When you go into an underserved area, there’s more pressure to make a more interesting place where people want to come,” said Thea Goldman, the owner of Thea Pizzeria. She learned the art of redevelopment for her late father-in-law Tony Goldman and opened Joey’s in Wynwood with her then-husband. “It’s fun to surprise people. They come in a little trepidatiously. There is a curious crowd that will come. They just have to be enticed. Wynwood proved that. Restaurants can ignite a neighborhood like nothing else.”


What attracted Goldman and Balans’ owner Prady Balan to the Health District was the growth plan for UM’s research park. Both restaurants are on the ground floor of the park’s first 252,000-square-foot building, which opened in June 2011. Four additional buildings are planned for the eight-acre biotech research park. The building is currently about 75 percent leased with a mix of offices and laboratories; plans for a second building call for a mix hotel rooms and offices, which could begin construction later this year, pending a deal with UM.

The goal is to create a thriving commercial center feeding off the $200 million in research conducted annually by the nearby University of Miami Miller School of Medicine on the Jackson hospital campus.

Both restaurateurs say developer Wexford Science & Technology, which leases the land from UM and developed the first building, made deals that were attractive enough to support a long-term approach to the area.

“I knew that it was going to be highly challenging, but I was bored in life, so I thought I would do something daring,” jokes Balan, who has successful restaurants in South Beach and London and pioneered eateries on Biscayne Boulevard and Brickell Avenue. “It probably will take three years. Slowly but surely people do come over. They are liking it and becoming regulars.”

Balan figures all he needs is to attract 10 percent of the 55,000 people a day who work or visit the Jackson Memorial Hospital. Miami’s Health District is the second largest in the country, behind only Houston. To attract those customers to the restaurants at the park, Wexford offers a daily free lunch shuttle to the Jackson campus. The park also offers free valet parking or free gated parking for restaurant visitors.

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Jury awards girl sexually assaulted on school district bus $1.7 million

Minutes after a jury late Wednesday awarded a mentally challenged Pahokee girl $1.7 million for the trauma she suffered when she was raped on a Palm Beach County school bus when she was 3, the girl’s mother rushed toward those who had given her daughter a second chance.

“Wait,” she called out just before they filed out the door. “I want to thank all of you.”

In turn, she hugged each of the four women and two men who rejected the school board’s claims that her daughter wasn’t hurt by the 2007 attack. School board attorneys argued the girl was too young and too mentally disabled to understand what a 15-year-old emotionally disturbed youth did to her on the bus filled with special needs kids.

With tears streaming down her face, the mother looked at the girl’s father. Both heaved sighs of relief.

“It means a lot to me,” she said of the verdict. “My daughter finally got justice.”

The School Board never denied the girl was molested. Both the bus driver and the aide who was on the bus to protect the students were fired. The aide, Grenisha Williams, was convicted of child neglect in connection with the incident and put on probation. Sexual battery charges were filed against J.C. Carter, the youth school police said assaulted the child. The School Board even changed policies, decreeing that young children should no longer be allowed to ride buses with older kids.

But, the district never agreed to compensate the now 9-year-old girl for the trauma that her attorneys argued exacerbated her considerable learning problems.

“I think the jury got it,” attorney Stephan Le Clainche said.

Despite School Board attorneys’ claims to the contrary, he said: “The jury realized that any child of a tender age who is the victim of physical or sexual violence is going to carry the stain of it their entire life.”

But, he acknowledged, the battle is far from over. Under Florida law, government agencies in 2007 could only be forced to pay $100,000 for injuries caused by their wrongdoing. (The cap on so-called sovereign immunity, that comes from the English concept that the King can do no wrong, has since been raised to $200,000.) But to get more than $100,000, the girl’s attorneys must now persuade a typically stubborn Florida Legislature to life the cap so the girl can get the $1.7 million the jury said she deserves.

“We have a long road to go,” Le Clainche said. The $100,000 will barely cover the court costs that included paying $25,000 to a psychiatrist who persuaded the jury that the girl carries deep psychological scars that will take years of counseling and private schooling to salve.

The mother said she was well aware of the looming battle. “I’ve been waiting all this time. I guess I can wait some more,” said the mother, who lost her job as a cook when the always shaky economy in the Glades got even worse in the recent recession.

Jurors declined comment on the verdict, as did attorneys representing the school board. Attorney Scott Krevens said they don’t comment on pending litigation.

But the two sides argued their cases vigorously Wednesday in their last appearances before the jury after a five-day trial.

Attorney Tom McCausland, one of the school board’s two attorneys, suggested that the jury give the girl $250,000 for the pain she endured on the day of the attack and $31,000 for family counseling.

“A quarter-million dollars is a way of saying we’re sorry it happened,” he said.

Le Clainche bristled at McCausland’s suggestion that the money was an apology and not a recognition that the girl needs years of therapy.

McCausland insisted the girl has no memory of the attack. “Her brain has not been able to form to grasp the event,” McCausland told jurors. “This very, very heinous act, fortunately, is not something the girl remembers.”

Le Clainche translated McCausland’s argument this way: “Your harm is worth nothing because you’re already damaged.” Then, he added, “That is an incredible, outrageous defense.”

The psychiatrist hired by the girl’s team testified that the attack stymied the girl’s emotional and intellectual growth. A psychologist hired by the school board told jurors trauma doesn’t affect cognitive development.

In the end, it was clear the jury accepted the long-standing child-rearing concept that early childhood development impacts a youngster’s entire life.

About two hours into their deliberations, the jurors sent out a question: “Can the possibility of future sexual problems be considered as future pain and suffering?”

Circuit Judge Glenn Kelley said they could.

Less than 15 minutes later, they announced their verdict.

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Matt Lauria Zosia Mamet Talk Really Really Girls Parenthood and Mae Whitman

There are no shows I adore more right now than Parenthood and Girls, so you can imagine the jubilation coursing throughout my body when Matt Lauria and Zosia Mamet signed on to co-star in MCC Theater's production of Really Really.

RELATED - Parenthood & Girls Are Two of The Year's Best Shows

And once you watch my interview with this dynamic duo, you'll really (really) understand why I adore them so much. 

Not only will Lauria and Mamet make you desperate to see their stage show, but you'll find out what lies ahead on Girls this season, how Matt fills Zosia with a fiery jealousy and how they rank in my double-double competition! Watch!

For more on Really Really, click here!

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Retailers report strong January sales

Major retailers including Macy's and Limited Brands are reporting strong sales in January as shoppers went back to the stores after the winter holidays to take advantage of clearance sales.

Twenty retailers reported on Thursday that revenue at stores opened at least a year — an indication of a store's health — rose an average of 5.1 percent, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers.

That's above the mall trade group's 3 percent estimate and marks the highest reading since August 2012 when it rose 6 percent.

The worry, however, is whether shoppers, particularly budget-conscious consumers, will keep spending as they deal with rising gas prices and a payroll tax hike that took effect last month.

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Register for our free Business Plan Bootcamp

Whether you are planning to enter the Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge or want to refine a short business plan you already have, our free Business Plan Bootcamp later this month can help.

Melissa Krinzman, a veteran Business Plan Challenge judge and managing director of Venture Architects, will be leading a panel of experts who will give you advice on crafting a short business plan aimed at grabbing the attention of investors — or judges. If you are entering the Challenge, we encourage you to bring your entry with you because the panel will critique critical sections of the short plan.

Panelists include:

•  Richard Ginsburg, co-founder of G3 Capital Partners, a mid-market and early stage investment company.

•  Steven McKean, founder and CEO of Acceller, a Miami-based tech company, and a Challenge judge.

•  Mike Tomas, CEO of Miami-based Bioheart, president of ASTRI Group and a Challenge judge.

Time, date, place: 6:30 p.m. Feb. 26, Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus Auditorium (Room 1261, Building 1, 2nd floor).

To register: It’s free, but please register here.

Parking: Free parking at the MDC garage at 500 NE 2nd Avenue. It is important to note that the entrances are on NE 5th and 6th Streets.

You do not have to enter the Challenge to attend our free boot camp, but we hope you will. The Challenge deadline is March 11.

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Ex-police sergeant expected to surrender in Miami hit-run

A former Miami police homicide sergeant is expected to surrender to authorities on charges he ditched his car at an Interstate 95 car wreck.

A judge signed off on the warrant Wednesday for Juan “Johnny” Herrera, a longtime homicide investigator who retired after the Sept. 8 accident that injured four University of Miami students in a taxi.

Herrera will be charged with leaving the scene of an accident with injuries. He faces up to five years in prison if convicted.

Florida Highway Patrol investigators believe that Herrera rear ended the taxi on I-95 south near the Southwest 25th Road exit at about 3:40 a.m., then disappeared after leaving the car on foot. DNA taken from blood on the car’s airbag eventually placed him behind the wheel of his Mercedes-Benz that night.

Investigators, who found a six pack of beer in the car, could never test Herrera’s blood alcohol content because he was not at the scene.

Herrera is well known to viewers of The First 48, the A&E reality show that follows Miami homicide detectives as they investigate real-life murders.

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